To make a prairie, it takes a clover and one bee.
One clover and a bee.
And revery.
The revery alone will do,
if bees are few.
- Emily Dickinson
Hello! I am Jasmine Bigelow -- aka JB, Jazzy, Mommy, flower goddess (thank you, Kelly!). I am the owner and lead floral designer here. My husband, Eric Santini, is my life, business, and creative partner. He is the other owner, chief engineer and make-things-that-seem-impossible-happen guy. Our 5 year old daughter, Eva, loves to smell the flowers and mist the plants.
A Clover and One Bee was made from our desire to do meaningful creative work that touches the people in our community and provides an inspired life for our family.
Floral design honors our awe of the natural world and we appreciate every opportunity to flower life's big and small moments with heart and thoughtfulness.
We are so happy to share flowers with you!

photo Owl's Iris Photography

it takes a village
• my uncle Chris suggested our name and immediately ended a weeks' long debate
• our friend Anthony May created our logo
• our friend Sally Stetson developed our brand palette and styling, and is our go-to graphic designer
• our friend Gabriel Confrey has been our on-going business analyst, idea guy, sounding board (and photography consultant!)
• our friend Colleen Shepard reconciles our books, asks important questions and answers them too
• our friend Jo Sabel Courtney, the great connector, has helped us find so many fabulous collaboration opportunities
• our friend Nina from Proud Flower was the first to suggest and relentlessly encourage us to do this work
our bloom crew
We are so fortunate to have an amazing group of designers, engineers, flower slingers, and merry makers on our team. Their talent is unmatched and we have so much fun together!
Anna, Anders, Caille, Caitlin, Elizabeth, Emma, Gail, Hannah, Jennifer, Jenny, Jo, Julie, Kelly, Laura, Lea, Lily, Lisa, Maggie, Natasha, Sally, Wendy, and the Manchester peeps - thank you!

our flower farmers
Our flowers come from:
• Kari at Pistil Production / Mud City Farm
• Betsy at Rock Meadow Farm
•Marger at Dendro
• Michelle & Tammy at Hillview Flower Farm
• Jenny at Old Time Flowers
• farmers all over the region and the world, as sourced by Green Mountain Floral Supply